First set up Docker and Portainer.io
Sign into your Portainer.io web interface:
At the Portainer.io Home screen under Enviroments click the little blue whale next to Local.
Then click Containers with the white circle and blue cube.
On the Container list screen click on + Add Containers
In the Create Container Screen Add this information:
Name: Whatever name you want! (Example: Jellyfin)
Image: linuxserver/jellyfin
Manual network port publishing: Click on + Publish new network port three times and add this port information:
Host = 8096 Container = 8096 (Make sure TCP is selected)
Host = 7359 Container = 7359 (Make sure UDP is selected)
Host = 1900 Container = 1900 (Make sure UDP is selected)
Now scroll down to Advanced container settings!
Click on Volumes and near Volume mapping click the + map additional volume button. (This setting depends on how many folders you want to share. As an example if you have a folder with Movies, TV Shows and Sports events then you would click the + map additional volume button 3X! And then add one extra so make a total of 4 Volumes.
Make sure all Containers are set to BIND not VOLUME!
And all VOLUMES are set to WRITABLE!
(Note!: USER_NAME is your main account name on the PC. You can find the name by typing whoami in the command line.)
Container: /config
Volume: /home/USER_NAME/Downloads/jellysrv/config
Container: /data/tvshows
Volume: /media/USER_NAME/tvshows/tv (Path to your tv shows!)
Container: /data/movies
Volume: /media/USER_NAME/movies/movie
Container: /data/sports
Volume: /media/USER_NAME/sports/sportsevents
Click on the Network tab, then on the first value (Network) select from the drop-down menu: ‘host’
Next click on Env and click + add an enviroment variable three times!
Name: PUID Value: 1000
Name: PGID Value: 1000
Name: TZ Value: America/New_York
Add whatever TZ (Time Zone your in)
Finally right above ADVANCED CONTAINER SETTINGS click:
DEPLOY THE CONTAINER! If you did everything correctly
you should be able to access the Jellyfin server webpage at your machines IP address:8096. (Example: